Simpsons Kitchen Treehouse of Horror XVI 2005 Original Art Animation Production Pencils GABF17 SC 101 BG 101-112120


This piece is from the episode titled “I’ve Grown a Costume on Your Face”

Episode number: 360 Season number: 17 Original airdate: November 6th, 2005

Please Note: Homer and Marge in the picture frames are not penciled art but copied art pasted onto the page. Please note: The penciled page will look deeper in color and contrast when in hand. The art page maybe creased, folded, torn, wrinkled or with edge damage that may not be seen in the scans provided. Penciled art page measures approx 12.5″ x 10.5. Please look for extensive original art offerings for Simpsons, King of the Hill and other animated penciled original art and cels.

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